
Elena Gabbrielli completed her musical and philosophical studies in Venice, studying at the Conservatory of Music “Benedetto Marcello” and at the University “Ca ́Foscari”.
Other notable teachers for her musical formation have been the musicians Pier Narciso Masi, Patrick Gallois and Chiara Tonelli. In addition to the study of the classical flute repertoire, she has developed a special interest for new music and she has completed the Master of Practice Performance in Contemporary Music at the University of Music in Graz (A), under the guidance of Klangforum Wien.
Nowadays Elena lives in Vienna and plays around the Europe as a soloist, chamber and ensemble musician, mostly focusing on contemporary music. She has performed at international venues such as Wiener Konzerthaus, Radiokulturhaus ORF, Salzburger Festspiele, Mozarteum Stiftung, musikprotokoll Graz, Wien Modern, Opéra Comédie Montpellier, Opéra de Dijon, Festival dei due Mondi Spoleto, Ravenna Festival, Archipel Festival Genève, Kalv Festivalen, GAIDA Vilnius, Vancouver New Music, Shangai Spring Festival in collaboration with Klangforum Wien, der/gelbe/klang, Platypus Ensemble, Black Page Orchestra, Neofonía, Schallfeld, mdi ensemble, RepertorioZero and others. She has worked with leading conductors Emilio Pomàrico, Marco Angius, Sylvain Cambreling, Pierre-André Valade, Ilan Volkov and composers George Friedrich Haas, Tristan Murail, Raphaël Cendo, Rebecca Saunders, Philippe Leroux, Pierluigi Billone, Mathias Spahlinger, Beat Furrer. She has already realized numerous premieres as a solist or in ensemble and her performances has been regularly broadcasted by SWR, BR Klassik, ORF, RAI, RTS - Espace 2.
Additionally, she had the chance to give masterclasses for composers and performers in different academic institutions such as Tiroler Landeskonservatorium -Innsbruck, Anadolu Üniversitesi - Eskişehir , Bilkent University -Ankara, State Tchaikovsky Conservatory – Moscow, Royal Academy Aarhus, Academy of Music – Göteborg.
In 2022 she was a guest lecturer for contemporary music performance practice at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg. 
From 2023 she holds a lectureship for contemporary flute and chamber music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

She is a member of ensemble zeitfluss and ensemble xxi.jahrhundert.

With the quartet airborne extended, she devotes herself passionately to contemporary chamber music for the unusual combination flutes, harp, recorders/Paetzold and harpsichord.

Elena received recognizable scholarships for her activities in the field of contemporary music from the Italian Ministry of Culture (MiBACT) and the START-Stipendium from the Austrian Federal Chancellery (BKA).

Photocredits: Eva Kees


ANIMÆ - solo concerto for flute

The soul (from the Latin anima, connected with the Greek ànemos, in German "Atem", "wind") is in many religions, traditions and philosophies the vital and spiritual part of a living being, commonly regarded as distinct from the physical body. The instrument that most directly embodies and comes closest to the breath is the flute, as many ritual musical traditions indicate.  Hence the idea of re-celebrating this monodic instrument in connection with the ancient tradition through a contemporary repertoire solo program.The concert is conceived as an example of the complexity of simplicity: a single (simple) sound source opens and shows its own multiplicity of animae (an unexpected and hidden inner complexity). Animae in this sense means several facades of the soul - for example, reason, feeling, thought, will.The multiform works are images of these different facets. They translated into possible sound worlds in which the flute multiplies, splits into words, transforms into a magical object or intensifies with singing the voice of the instrumentalists.

selected repertoire written by composers B.Ferneyhough, S.Sciarrino, R.Saunders, E.Järnegard, R.Barrett. ︎contact me for details.

Duo Hauf-Gabbrielli

In addition to the already musical activities as individual freelance, Anna and Elena are dedicating themselves to the foundation of a new duo for voice and flute, born through the passion for chamber work and contemporary music.

︎ More info on Contemporary Duo for voice and flute

airborne extended

airborne extended was founded in 2013 and is a Quartett for contemporary music consisting of the instruments harp, harpsichord/keyboard, flutes, recorders/Paetzoldflutes, with and without electronics and performance. The unusual combination of these instruments give airborne extended the possibility to create a wide range of new sounds and colours that inspires both composers and the public all over the world.

︎ More info on airborne extended



19th January, 18:00
Reaktor, Wien (AT)
airborne extended
Works by V.Dinescu, T.Wally, B.Strobl, A.Kaiser, H.Kerschbaumer

27th-29th January
ORF-Radiokulturhaus, Wien (AT)
blackpage orchestra - recording 
Works by M.Ivičević

13th-14th February
Kammermusiksaal, Deutschlandfunk, Köln (DE)
airborne extended - recording
Work by E.L.Hübner

10th March, 21:30
Gläserner Saal, Musikverein, Wien (AT)
Work by Luigi Nono

19th March, 19:30
Berio-Saal, Konzerthaus, Wien (AT)
ensemble xxi.jahrhundert
Works by E.Kaleli, S.Geng, K.Lang

24th March, 19:30
Minoritensaal, Graz (AT)
ensemble zeitfluss
Works by J.Wozny, A.Jimenez, A.Karastoyanova-Hermentin, S.Sciarrino

25th March, 19:30
Ehrbar Saal, Wien (AT)
ensemble zeitfluss
Works by J.Wozny, A.Jimenez, A.Karastoyanova-Hermentin, S.Sciarrino

29th March, 19:30
Kesselhaus der Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel (DE)
Frequenz_Stage 2025
airborne extended
Works by R.Lazo Velenzuela, E.Hübner, H.Kerschbaumer, K.Sheehan, T.Krebs, M.Laskowski

12th May, 19:30
Minoritensaal, Graz (AT)
ensemble zeitfluss
Works by Schönberg/Dünser, S.Samanli, S.Dobrovicescu, P.Linshalm Stump

︎ Archive

Photocredits: D.Rilov, F.Spinelli, E.Kees

︎ soundcloud

Writings Thoughts Travels

︎ Cosa significa provincia oggi? (ITA)

︎ Morton Feldman: per una fenomenologia dell’opera aperta (ITA)

︎ Musica e Interpretazione. A partire da Hans Georg Gadamer (ITA) ︎contact me

︎ ”morendo/double echo” eine Geschichte zwischen Flöte und Tonband (DE) ︎ contact me